Bring your
Here is how
we will help you
Go online or improve your online image!
Are you new to the business and you do not have a website yet? Is you current website old? Is the user experience bad? Your booking does not work? You struggle to add or edit content? Your online shop does not sell?
We will desing and develop a fast, modern and responsive website that work perfectly on any device. We will include the vital info your visitors wants to get on you website, depending on your business type. For example, if you are a kitesurfing school, you should always have your contant info on top, easy to use booking system, weather / wind forecast and also webcam.

Stop losing traffic!
Are you searching for kite school in your area and you do not show up in search results? You offer kite trips to different locations, but when you search for it, you cannot find it? You sell some products and if you search for them, you do not show up? If people are already searching for something you offer and they cannot get to you, this is a huge lost potential.
Get the people who are already searching for you with our search engine marketing solutions. It does not matter if you business is local or you sell online, SEO and Google Search Ads are always a must have. The most important here is to choose the best keywords, the ones that we already know will work, so you do not have to spend time and money figuring it out. With our solution you will get to these people as soon as possible without any unnecessary costs.
Get more eyes on you!
But people does not always search for what they want or what you offer to them. You want to attract new clients? Sometimes you have to remind them of your kite resort in a beautiful kite spot, your kite school, your next inspiring kite trips or your very stylish products.
We will get to these kitesurfers or kitesurfers to be with Googe Display Ads and social media marketing. The key here is to target the correct audience, which can be very hard to figure out and can cost you a lot of money, but not with us. We already know how to do it, no matter what your kitesurfing business type is. If you are a school, kite resort, travel agency, online shop or a brand, we have you covered.

Build a community!
What to do with existing clients? How to keep them coming back and wanting even more? How to offer them the best experience for the best price? You wonder how to get their kite buddies to join you also?
Loyal clients are the best clients! This is why this is the most important part for your business success. Keep everyone’s attention on you with our social media and e-mail marketing solutions, but we will also help you to make the best business decisions to improve your quality and reputation. Build a loyal community that will serve you for a long time.
Keep track and improve!
You do not know where your visitors are coming from? How much you sell through each channel? Which marketing tehniques works the best for you? Which are not performing well?
With out analytics and reporting solutions, you will always know answers to these questions. But this is not all. We will also provide consulting on your budget and next steps to take, so you can improve your kitesurfing business to the next level!


My name is David, the founder of Unhooked Marketing where I combine my profession and my hobby. I have been working in digital marketing since 2011 and I started my own business in 2015. In 2017 I became an enthusiastic kitesurfer .
Since then I have become a friend with many kitesurfers and kitesurfing business owners around the world, so I have a very good knowledge from both sides – what clients want and what businesses struggle with the most. The idea has slowly grown inside me for months and after I broke my ankle in Los Roques, I decided to finally put my ideas to reality. I started to develop different solutions for different kitesurfing businesses. Since then I have been providing unique digital marketing solutions for your problems. From a kiter for a kiter!